Aetion helps you leverage RWE across the product lifecycle.
Aetion helps you leverage RWE across the product lifecycle.

Phase 1: RWD/E strategy
We are at the forefront of innovation in advancing the use of RWD/E to help you develop and execute the right RWE strategy.

Phase 2: Data feasibility
We help determine if there’s feasible data to answer your research questions through our scientifically validated and peer-reviewed assessment framework.

Phase 3: Decision-grade analysis
Our epidemiologists, researchers, and scientists work shoulder-to-shoulder to conduct scientifically valid analysis to deliver regulatory grade analysis.

Phase 4: Platform-based evidence generation
Aetion Evidence Platform® (AEP) provides access to a platform that delivers rapid cycle generation of evidence across an array of devices and diagnostics.
Generate decision-grade evidence with Aetion.
AEP is scientifically validated software that analyzes data from the real world to produce transparent and rapid answers—on safety, effectiveness, and value.